Keep 翻譯
Connect your cameras with homekit secure video to record, analyze, and view your home security footage from anywhere. Quality app should charge for it. Purchase翻譯:購買, 購買, 購買物, 購買,採購, 抓握, 緊握;抓住。了解更多。 The extension also automatically detects if the language of a page you're on is different from the language you're using for your google chrome interface.

keep 翻譯. Save翻譯:使安全, 挽救,搭救,救助, 保存, 保存,儲存;儲蓄,存錢, 將(電腦上的資料)存檔,保存, 不浪費, 節約,節省, 體育運動, (足球等球類運動中)救(球),阻止對方得(分)…。了解更多。 News, email and search are just the beginning. Quality app should charge for it. Capita translation and interpreting simplify complex communications with secure personal language solutions. Большой каталог с огромным выбором и низкими ценами. The extension also automatically detects if the language of a page you're on is different from the language you're using for your google chrome interface.
The Extension Also Automatically Detects If The Language Of A Page You're On Is Different From The Language You're Using For Your Google Chrome Interface.
And none of that recorded video counts toward your icloud storage, so you don’t have to give up. Busy翻譯:做事情, 忙碌的;忙於…的;專注的, (地方)熱閙的,熙熙攘攘的, 繁忙的;事情多的, (電話)佔線的, 有圖案的, 繁瑣的,雜亂的;使人眼花繚亂的。了解更多。 Yard翻譯:計量單位, 碼(相當於3英尺,約91.4厘米), 工作場所, (進行某種工作的)場地,場所;(常指出售貨物的)場地, 建築物邊上的地, 院子;天井;庭院, 花園, (房屋旁的)園圃,花園。了解更多。
Principal翻譯:最重要的, 人, (中小學或學院的)校長, (大學或學院的)校長, 金錢, 本金;可生息的資本。了解更多。
Grip翻譯:抓住, 緊握,握緊,緊抓(住), 使感興趣, 使入迷,吸引…的注意力, 感情, (感情等)強烈地控制;對…產生強烈影響, 控制, 控制,支配, 抓住, 緊握,握緊,緊抓(住), 包…。了解更多。 Keep翻譯:保存, 保有;保存;保留, 經營,管理(小店鋪), 飼養, 照顧,照料(某人的孩子), 停留, (使)留在(某處. News, email and search are just the beginning.
Sustain翻譯:繼續, 保持,維持,使持續,使繼續, 維持…的生命,供養, 遭受, 經歷,遭受(尤指破壞或損失), 支持, (情感上)支持。了解更多。
Connect your cameras with homekit secure video to record, analyze, and view your home security footage from anywhere. Capita translation and interpreting simplify complex communications with secure personal language solutions. Quality app should charge for it.
Contain翻譯:擁有, 包含;容納;盛, 控制, 控制,遏制,制止(有害物蔓延), 克制,抑制,控制(情緒)。了解更多。
Copy翻譯:複製;臨摹;模仿,效仿, (尤指出於崇拜)模仿,仿效(他人的行為、衣著、談吐等), 副本, 複製品,仿製品;副本, (書報等印刷品或錄製品的)一本,一冊,一份, 文本, 稿件;文字說明,宣傳說明。了解更多。 Purchase翻譯:購買, 購買, 購買物, 購買,採購, 抓握, 緊握;抓住。了解更多。 Click the translate icon whenever you want to translate the page you're visiting.
We Blend Technology With Language Experts To Provide Professional Translation And Interpreting Services (Remote & Face To Face) Into 180 Languages For Commercial And Public Sector Companies Around The Globe.
This extension adds a button to your browser toolbar. Save翻譯:使安全, 挽救,搭救,救助, 保存, 保存,儲存;儲蓄,存錢, 將(電腦上的資料)存檔,保存, 不浪費, 節約,節省, 體育運動, (足球等球類運動中)救(球),阻止對方得(分)…。了解更多。 Loose翻譯:未固定的, 鬆的,鬆動的, (頭髮)鬆散的,披著的,散開的, 鬆散的,散開的, 不緊的, (衣服)寬鬆的,肥大的, 不確切的, 未嚴加控制的;不嚴謹的,不精確的, 不道德的, 不道德的;淫蕩的…。了解更多。