沸騰 英文

煮著, 正在沸騰 英文翻譯 : be at the boil; Be on the boil 滿腔熱血在沸騰 英文翻譯 : burning with. Keep the kettle at the boil. 【沸騰】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:boil over沸騰溢出; 到了爆發點; <;非正>;發怒;boiling炎熱的; 熾熱的; 沸騰的; 激昂的;boil煮沸,沸騰; 疔,癤子; [醫]瘍腫,膿.

沸騰 英文

沸騰 英文. In course of 沸騰 英文翻譯 : boiling; Be on the boil 滿腔熱血在沸騰 英文翻譯 : burning with. 沸騰的英文:boilingebullition蓡考例句:lily's blood tingled with the grossness of the rebuff.粗魯的拒絕使麗莉的血液沸騰起來。it is the bribe for li 正在 英文翻譯 : in process of; 喧囂的市聲,沸騰的生活,鱗次櫛比的樓房,用曖昧的言詞叩擊著受驚的心弦。 methoxy 1 groups are split off with boiling hi and converted to. Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade.

煮著, 正在沸騰 英文翻譯 : Be At The Boil;

Water boils at 100 degrees centigrade. 沸騰=boil 弱火=low heat 弱火でゆでる=simmer simmerのみでも弱火にする. Keep the kettle at the boil.

Be On The Boil 滿腔熱血在沸騰 英文翻譯 : Burning With.

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【沸騰】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:boil over沸騰溢出; 到了爆發點; <;非正>;發怒;boiling炎熱的; 熾熱的; 沸騰的; 激昂的;boil煮沸,沸騰; 疔,癤子; [醫]瘍腫,膿. 喧囂的市聲,沸騰的生活,鱗次櫛比的樓房,用曖昧的言詞叩擊著受驚的心弦。 methoxy 1 groups are split off with boiling hi and converted to. 沸騰したら弱火で5分茹でる after the water comes to a boil, simmer for 5 minutes on a low heat.

In Course Of 沸騰 英文翻譯 : Boiling;

正在 英文翻譯 : in process of; 沸騰的英文:boilingebullition蓡考例句:lily's blood tingled with the grossness of the rebuff.粗魯的拒絕使麗莉的血液沸騰起來。it is the bribe for li

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